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Every Sunday @ 10:00 am
808 8th Street, Marysville, CA 95901

Day 7 – 31 Days of Prayer

Truth for Today

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” – Proverbs 13:20

Thought for Today

“The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher and poet.

What an incredible gift it is to have godly friends. In my own life, the Lord has often used them to encourage, strengthen, inspire, challenge, and sometimes convict me. In today’s electronic, social media world, it is important we not only have real face-to-face relationships with godly friends; but also, we become a godly friend to others.

Here are 8 traits for being and having a godly friend:

  1. Godly friends are faithful.
  2. Godly friends offer wise/biblical counsel.
  3. Godly friends have self-control.
  4. Godly friends speak the truth to each other in love.
  5. Godly friends sharpen each other.
  6. Godly friends assure each other through adversity.
  7. Godly friends rejoice with one another.
  8. Godly friends forgive one another.
Prayer for Today

Lord, I pray you will not only surround me with godly friends but that I would also be a godly friend to others. Jesus, may my relationships be healthy and bring honor to your name. Holy Spirit, help me to walk in love, demonstrated in real, godly friendships. Amen